Each subsection is sorted in chronological order by newest at top.
- Nytko N., Reisner A., Moulton J. D., Olson L. N., West M., Teaching An Old Dog New Tricks: Porting Legacy Code to Heterogeneous Compute Architectures With Automated Code Translation, arXiv preprint
- Nytko N., Taghibakhshi A., Zaman T., MacLachlan S., Olson L. N., West M., Optimized Sparse Matrix Operations for Reverse Mode Automatic Differentiation, arXiv preprint
Published Papers
- Zaman T., Nytko N., Taghibakhshi A., MacLachlan S., Olson N., West M., Generalizing Lloyd's algorithm for graph clustering, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing / arXiv preprint
- Zaman T., Nytko N., Taghibakhshi A., MacLachlan S., Olson N., West M., Generalizing Reduction-Based Algebraic Multigrid, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications / arXiv preprint
- Taghibakhshi A., Nytko N., Zaman T., MacLachlan S., Olson N., West M., MG-GNN: Multigrid Graph Neural Networks for Learning Multilevel Domain Decomposition Methods, ICML 2023 / arXiv preprint
- Taghibakhshi A., Nytko N., Zaman T., MacLachlan S., Olson N., West M., Learning Interface Conditions in Domain Decomposition Solvers, NeurIPS 2022 / arXiv preprint
- Silva M., Hieronymi P., West M., Nytko N., Deshpande A., Chuang J., Hilgenfeldt S., Innovating and modernizing a Linear Algebra class through teaching computational skills, ASEE 2022
- Silva M., Shaffer E., Nytko N., Amos J., A Case Study of Early Performance Prediction and Intervention in a Computer Science Course, ASEE 2020
- Nytko N., West M., Silva M., A Simple and Efficient Markup Tool to Generate Drawing-based Online Assessments, ASEE 2020
Misc. unpublished manuscripts
- Nytko N., West M., Olson L. N., MacLachlan S., A Supervised Learning Approach to Predicting Multigrid Convergence, Student submisison to 20th Copper Mountain Conference On Multigrid Methods