Nicolas Nytko / Publications

Each subsection is sorted in chronological order by newest at top.


  1. Nytko N., Reisner A., Moulton J. D., Olson L. N., West M., Teaching An Old Dog New Tricks: Porting Legacy Code to Heterogeneous Compute Architectures With Automated Code Translation, arXiv preprint
  2. Nytko N., Taghibakhshi A., Zaman T., MacLachlan S., Olson L. N., West M., Optimized Sparse Matrix Operations for Reverse Mode Automatic Differentiation, arXiv preprint

Published Papers

  1. Zaman T., Nytko N., Taghibakhshi A., MacLachlan S., Olson N., West M., Generalizing Lloyd's algorithm for graph clustering, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing / arXiv preprint
  2. Zaman T., Nytko N., Taghibakhshi A., MacLachlan S., Olson N., West M., Generalizing Reduction-Based Algebraic Multigrid, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications / arXiv preprint
  3. Taghibakhshi A., Nytko N., Zaman T., MacLachlan S., Olson N., West M., MG-GNN: Multigrid Graph Neural Networks for Learning Multilevel Domain Decomposition Methods, ICML 2023 / arXiv preprint
  4. Taghibakhshi A., Nytko N., Zaman T., MacLachlan S., Olson N., West M., Learning Interface Conditions in Domain Decomposition Solvers, NeurIPS 2022 / arXiv preprint
  5. Silva M., Hieronymi P., West M., Nytko N., Deshpande A., Chuang J., Hilgenfeldt S., Innovating and modernizing a Linear Algebra class through teaching computational skills, ASEE 2022
  6. Silva M., Shaffer E., Nytko N., Amos J., A Case Study of Early Performance Prediction and Intervention in a Computer Science Course, ASEE 2020
  7. Nytko N., West M., Silva M., A Simple and Efficient Markup Tool to Generate Drawing-based Online Assessments, ASEE 2020

Misc. unpublished manuscripts

  1. Nytko N., West M., Olson L. N., MacLachlan S., A Supervised Learning Approach to Predicting Multigrid Convergence, Student submisison to 20th Copper Mountain Conference On Multigrid Methods